A spark ignites a flame. And at Anthem Memory Care, “SPARK” stands for a culture that represents our commitment to keeping the flame:
We select only individuals with an innate “spark” of compassion to join the Anthem team, because we know they will flourish and grow in memory care. We work to transform them into highly skilled, compassionate professionals who strive to bring meaning and a sense of purpose to our residents and fellow caregivers.
Great job performance comes from training, knowledge and a desire to serve. We nurture and develop our employees in ways that help them grow, both professionally and as people. That translates into a higher level of care for your loved one.
At Anthem, something important is achieved every day. And it happens organically, through a culture that invests in its employees; providing ongoing education, mentoring and support. The ultimate achievements are those moments of connection and joy that occur every day, between residents, families and staff.
We believe in recognizing every positive action, kind word and act of compassion. From the smallest sign of progress shown by a resident to a helping hand from a caregiver; we recognize and celebrate all of our people.
Keeping the flame of compassion burning. Keeping our promise to you. Keeping your faith in us alive.